by Jada Coplin
Dehiscence: Its first definition is derived from botany: “when a mature plant splits open to release its contents.” I personally use this word to describe a feeling and time period. As we look back on the past, we may see mistakes that we made, beliefs we once lived by, and ideas that seemed bright at the time. Some people hold guilt about their youth, but others let it go. Just like a plant, we experience Dehiscence when we heal from our past and look towards the future for a brighter change within our lives.
Dehiscence is a black woman owned sustainable clothing brand located in Boston. The environment and all of its natural contents are a big inspiration for our brand. When you wear our clothing, we hope that you can aspire to release from the mistakes of your past and grow towards a mentally and physically healthier lifestyle.
We design graphic t-shirts with materials and concepts that inspire and care for you and the environment. This past spring and summer, released items with hopes to make you feel good and look good.
Dehiscence started as an obscure word that was hardly ever described as what it is now known. Its first definition resides from botany: when a mature plant splits open to release its contents. You don’t have to take my word for it. Look it up, it’s there, it’s an actual word. Granted you’ll find the “other” definition as well, just make sure you have a strong stomach.
What does this word have to do with mental health? What is the connection? I look at it like this: We all go through a growth period in our lives. And as we look back in the past we may see mistakes that we’ve made, thoughts we once lived by and ideas that seemed bright at the time. Some people have guilt about their youth, but some let it go.
I look back on my own past thoughts and feelings and how naive and sad I was. Grieving the things that once was before Covid happened. After high school I began changing as a person for the good and bad. I became moti- vated in my own learning, from self reflection to thinking of more important things going on in life. However, on the other hand, I was depressed, moody, and lonely. I spent all day on my phone and never left the house let alone my bed. I loved to learn but never went out and experienced things.
Being in the black community, there is a lot of stigma surrounding mental health problems and how we solve them. Many turn to alcoholism, drugs, violence, and abuse as families are left in disarray and trauma to last gener- ations with the cycle being repeated over and over again. In the past, many black people didn’t have the choice to explore therapy or get proper help for their problems. As a community, we adopted the idea to tough it out and to not think too hard about things, which makes sense when you are forced to grow up young, take care of the family and work. We have spent so many years just trying to survive that we forgot how to live.
In 2023 something clicked. I entered a new realm of life. I started to see the future and things stopped being so cluttered and confusing. The only word I could describe it as was Dehiscent. My dehiscence didn’t happen suddenly, it was events that were tied together like a link chain. The first change was switching majors. I didn’t want to stay somewhere that I was not happy in and did not see myself doing after college. Despite the repercussions, I made the switch in late 2022 and did not look back. The next change was becoming responsible for another living being who happened to be my dog Peanut. The next major change was putting my pride to the side, and conquering generational trauma by taking positive action for my mental illnesses.
I wanted to live, I wanted to be happy, I wanted my mind, body, and spiritu- ality to feel good. I had to make big changes to how I viewed things, I had to slow down and reflect. In my time of reflection, I thought about what I spent my time doing, what I have always wanted to do, and how I could make it happen. I knew there were things that kept me happy and I wanted to focus on those things along with new things I never tried. After a certain point, I didn’t care if I failed, or if I wouldn’t like it, I just had to try new things and stop being in the same monotone routine.
One of the biggest things that helped keep me somewhat sane during the pandemic was the nature nearby. I felt calmness and sereness whenever I would walk through the woods near my house. It cleared my head, and I found inspiration in it. I researched about plants in my free time and that is when I found the word Dehiscence. I felt so much connection to plants and how even though the cold season may kill the plant, it always sprouts again in the future and the cycle repeats. I always think about how everything is connected within the environment, from humans to the smallest tiny bacte- ria, how everything just works.
These trains of thoughts keep me grounded and help me realize that there is so much more than just me. I wanted to finally touch grass, and I wanted others to experience this with me. I begin to brainstorm how I could create clothing that made me feel just as good as the environment feels. I soon real- ized that with my skills in design, I could create a brand that brings people together and helps others get out there and live.
I am not going to give my medication all the credit for me having more happy days than sad days. Yes it has helped tremendously, however, it wouldn’t work without me changing how I think and putting my words and wants into action. I compare my growth as a woman, business owner, family member, and friend as like a flower. I have yet to reach Dehiscence because I look
at it as a lifelong process. Everyone will have their sad days or not so great days, however, cherish those happy moments and put in the work to make it happen again because you deserve it.